Yale University Lecture


Benjamin Aranda presented a lecture at the Yale School of Architecture as part of the Digital Post-Modernities: From Calculus to Computation Symposium.

J.G. Ballard

This small but astute machine has found an elegant way of restraining and rediscovering all the lost enchantments of the flesh.

— J.G. Ballard on the zipper



Stage Environment was featured in an article titled Dazzling Digtal Designs that Push the Bounds of Parametrics.



Geoffrey West

When we started living in cities, we did something that had never happened before in the history of life, we broke away from the equations of biology, all of which are sublinear. Every other creature gets slower as it gets bigger. That’s why the elephant plods along. But in cities, the opposite happens. As cities get bigger, everything starts accelerating. There is no equivalent for this in nature. It would be like finding an elephant that’s proportionally faster than a mouse.

— Geoffrey West

PIN-UP Issue 15

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PIN-UP has written a feature article about Aranda\ Lasch.

Burrichter, Felix. “Two Architectural Shape Shifters are Taking Things to the Next Level”. Pin-up Magaine, Fall/Winter 2013/14
